Nicole Lee, MSN, ANP-BC
Specializes In
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
Referral Type
Physician Referral Required
Sees Patients For
Lung cancer, esophageal cancer, metastatic cancer to lung/chest wall, mediastinal mass, achalasia, GERD, hiatal hernia, disorders of the diaphragm, tracheal stenosis, tracheal cancer and bronchomalacia
Hospital Affiliations
This provider offers inpatient care at these hospitals.
- Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Center for Advanced Medicine Siteman Cancer Center4921 Parkview PlaceSt. Louis, MO 63110Suite: CFloor: 8Fax: 314-362-6288Appointments:
Academic Title(s)
Nurse PractitionerEducation
Master's Degree: Adult Nurse Practitioner
Jewish College Of Nursing, St. Louis, MO
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