To make an appointment or for travel-health advice, call 314-362-9098.
Fax: 314-362-9851
Washington University infectious disease specialists manage complicated diseases with compassion and clinical expertise. The board-certified specialists have advanced education and training in internal medicine and infectious diseases.
Our infectious disease doctors are leaders in the research and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and are also known for expertise in fungal infections, bone and joint infections, osteomyelitis and a range of unusual and complicated infections.
Our infectious disease specialists treat patients with the following diseases and needs:
Washington University is home to one of the top HIV/AIDS programs in the country. Our patients have access to the latest technologic treatments by world-renowned experts in HIV/AIDS, and investigational therapies available at only a handful of centers in the nation. One of these programs is devoted to women and children with HIV/AIDS. Our infectious disease specialists provide special medical and gynecologic care and social support for mothers, and pediatric care for their children. This is the only such program in the region and one of few in the country dedicated to women with HIV/AIDS and their children.
Post COVID-19 Clinic
The Care and Recovery After COVID-19 (CARE) Clinic evaluates patients who have continued symptoms or complications after confirmed COVID-19 illness. A referral from your primary care provider with medical records and a positive COVID test or positive antibodies greater than 3 months old is required.
International Travel Clinic
Our International Travel Clinic (ITC) is a unique service offered to individuals who travel abroad. The infectious disease specialists provide patients with immunizations and information about how to avoid infections.
Invasive Fungal Infections Clinic
The Invasive Fungal Infections Clinic treats patients with confirmed invasive fungi. These infections most commonly occur in patients with a compromised immune system, such as those with cancer, organ transplants or patients receiving immunosuppressive medications. However, many fungal infections can occur in patients with no prior medical conditions. Our physicians collaborate with transplant surgeons and other specialists, participate in clinical trials and work with Infectious Diseases’ pharmacy, which specializes in antifungal treatments. This unique clinic has achieved international recognition as a Diamond Excellence Center from the European Confederation of Medical Mycology.
Part of a long and successful research tradition, Washington University Infectious Diseases secures a significant amount of National Institutes of Health funding each year. Basic science and clinical researchers within our division are heavily involved in research and clinical trials to increase the understanding of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, and the efficacy of new therapies. The Washington University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU)—initiated in 1987 by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—is dedicated to conducting clinical research trials of potential treatments for HIV and its complications.

Ernie-Paul Barrette, MD
Infectious Diseases
Taylor Ave. Building Extension
Village Square – North County

Jason Burnham, MD
Infectious Diseases
VA Medical Center: John Cochran Division
Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Nicolo Cabrera, MD
Infectious Diseases
Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital – Medical Office Building 2
Taylor Ave. Building Extension