
Max Rosen, MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
"I grow with my patients through high school and as they transition to the next chapter of their lives – college, community college or trade school. To be able to continuously try to help my patients of all ages is what I enjoy the most. It is a privilege, as a physician, to be a part of the personal lives of these children and their families."

Milan Anadkat, MD
"There is a long history of medicine in my family -- my grandfather, uncle and wife are all physicians. I’ve always been attracted to medicine, so it’s definitely something in my DNA."

Munish Gupta, MD
Neurological Surgery
"I've seen children transform from introverted and self-conscious before surgery to outgoing and self-confident after surgery. It is life-changing for the patient."

Murali Chakinala, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
"Many times my patients have seen other doctors and are desperate for help. It’s nice to be able to fulfill that role in the medical community."

Mustafa Husaini, MD
As a sports cardiologist, my goal is to help people stay safe when they are active, exercising and enjoying life. People have different levels of activity, but all have cardiovascular needs and risks to be discussed.

Nishant Raj, MD
Minimally Invasive Surgery
"Minimally invasive surgery has tremendous benefits. There is less pain and usually a shorter recovery period. It is the future of surgery."

Pamela Woodard, MD
"Our team sees some of the most challenging cardiac imaging cases. It’s very rewarding to help a patient with a correct diagnosis."

Patricia Dickson, MD
"Genetics is never boring. It changes so rapidly -- what we are doing today is dramatically different than what we were doing 15 years ago. It is almost an unrecognizable practice. What I’ve enjoyed the most is always being challenged, always having something new to do and think about."

Paul Santiago, MD
"When a patient comes to see me, he or she doesn’t just get my opinion, but also the opinions of many other specialists as we plan the course of action for my patients."

Radhika Smith, MD
Colorectal Surgery
"Being able to treat these patients and knowing it is possible to give them peace of mind and help improve their quality of life -- is what made me fall in love with the field."

Rajendra Apte, MD, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
"The ability to have an impact on a person’s life, as well as the scientific and clinical aspects of the specialty are the reasons I chose ophthalmology."

Ryan S. Jackson, MD
Head & Neck Surgery
"The best advice I've received was 'always work hard and do a great job.' As a head and neck cancer surgeon, I do the best I can with a lot of passion."

Sara Holden, MD
Minimally Invasive Surgery
"The first day I stepped into the operating room I had the sense that this was where I was meant to be and what I was supposed to do."

Satish V. Reddy, MD
Anesthesiology, Pain Management
"Being referred to pain management is not a sign of lost hope. Our goal is to find ways to manage pain and improve function using a multidisciplinary approach."

Shelby Dickison, MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
"My daughter provides a lot of joy to my life. My experience of pregnancy, labor and delivery also gives insight into what my patients are going through."

Sidharth Puram, MD, PhD
"After surgery, when my patients are cancer-free and having a good quality of life – that is something from which I derive a tremendous amount of joy."

Stephen Wexler, MD
"A good candidate for LASIK must have healthy eyes. My number one goal is to do these procedures as safely as possible. We have developed new technology for improved preoperative evaluation of corneas. This allows us to make sure patients are a good candidate for LASIK."

Steven Couch, MD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
"As early as middle school, I knew I wanted to be a physician. My mother was a homemaker and my father was a police officer, and I am the first doctor in my family."

Tim Ratz, MD
Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates
"Every kid will reach milestones at slightly different times and that’s ok. We as pediatricians will keep an eye on that for you, while you as the parents should enjoy all the new 'firsts'."

Timothy Holden, MD
"The specialty of geriatrics focuses on the goals and priorities of the patient – and that motivates my practice every day."

Timothy Miller, MD, PhD
"The most interesting part of my practice is trying to figure out what causes ALS and how to develop therapies for ALS.
I listen carefully to our patients and think deeply about what could be causing their ALS and what new therapies would help them."

Todd Margolis, MD, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
"It is gratifying when the patient says, thank you, I feel better, I see better. That is much more important to me than any awards."

Tonya Russell, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
"In order to offer advice to patients, we have to keep an open mind to realize that everybody’s circumstances, backgrounds and challenges are different."

Tsuyoshi Kaneko, MD
Cardiothoracic Surgery
"Treating cardiac surgery patients is fascinating, and using different techniques to provide the best care for the patient is very satisfying."

Vladimir Kushnir, MD
"I find every patient interesting and important. I like that I am able to to offer minimally invasive therapy and in a lot of cases, help patients avoid surgery or invasive diagnostic testing."

William Chapman, MD
Transplant Surgery
"When I talk to my patients I am honest, optimistic and try to highlight the upside – to make sure they have hope."

Wilson Zachary Ray, MD
"I really can’t imagine doing anything else. As long as I can remember, even in grade school, I wanted to be a doctor."

Zeynep G. Gul, MD
"The best treatment for any patient depends on what they think is the best outcome and how they feel about the side effects."