Alexis Brown, NP
Specializes in
BPH, prostate cancer, overactive bladder, nephrolithiasis
Referral required
A referral from your primary care doctor or another provider is required to make an appointment with this specialist. Contact your doctor for a referral, or call our office for more information.
- Memorial Hospital Shiloh – Siteman Cancer Center, Medical Office Building 21418 Cross StreetSuite: 180Shiloh, IL 62269618-463-7174
Hospital Affiliations
This provider offers inpatient care at these hospitals.
- Memorial Hospital Belleville
Board Certifications
Academic Title(s)
Nurse PractitionerEducation
Master's Degree: Family Nurse Practitioner
2023 Maryville University, St. Louis, MO
Bachelor's of Science in Nursing
2016 University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL
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