Amie P. Stanley

Amie P. Stanley, MS, CGC

Ultrasound & Genetics, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Specializes in

Prenatal genetic counseling, prenatal genetic testing, preconception genetic counseling/testing, noninvasive prenatal testing, genetic carrier screening, abnormal fetal ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis

Referral required

A referral from your primary care doctor or another provider is required to make an appointment with this specialist. Contact your doctor for a referral, or call our office for more information.


Hospital Affiliations

  • Barnes-Jewish Hospital
  • Missouri Baptist Medical Center


Board Certifications

  • Genetic Counseling

Academic Title(s)

Genetic Counselor
Obstetrics and Gynecology


Master of Science: Genetic Counseling

1999 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

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