Mai Dang, MD, PhD

Neurology, Pediatric Neurology

Specializes in

Neurologic complications of cancer, cancer treatment, neuro-oncology/brain tumors

Referral required

A referral from your primary care doctor or another provider is required to make an appointment with this specialist. Contact your doctor for a referral, or call our office for more information.


Hospital Affiliations

  • St. Louis Children's Hospital


Board Certifications

  • Neurology

Academic Title(s)

Assistant Professor of Neurology, Neurocritical Care

Research Interests

Identifying novel ways to modulation the pediatric brain tumor microenvironment to improve efficacy of standard treatment.

Publications & Research

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Medical Degree

2009 University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign

PhD: Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology

2006 University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign

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