To make an appointment in the Central West End, West County or Carbondale, call 314-454-8181.
Washington University ultrasound and prenatal genetic testing specialists provide comprehensive ultrasound evaluations of fetal anatomy and prenatal genetic evaluation and diagnosis, using advanced ultrasound equipment and the latest diagnostic techniques at the Women & Infants Center in St. Louis. Gynecologic evaluations are also available for non-pregnant patients with certain conditions.
Prenatal genetic testing services include:
- Gynecologic ultrasound evaluations of non-pregnant women with pelvic or abdominal pain, irregular bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding and suspected pelvic or abdominal abnormality found on physical exam.
- Routine ultrasound evaluation of fetal anatomy and prenatal genetic diagnosis.
- Prenatal genetic diagnosis of high risk pregnancies, including:
- Women who will be 35 or older at delivery
- Couples who previously have had a child with a chromosome abnormality
- Couples who are known carriers of a chromosome translocation
- Women who are carriers for sex-linked disease such as hemophilia or muscular dystrophy
- Couples who are known carriers or who are members of at-risk populations to be carriers of certain hereditary disorders (such as Tay-Sachs disease in the Jewish population)
- Couples with a family history of neural tube defects such as spina bifida, anencephaly or encephalocele (birth defects involving the brain or spinal cord)
- Couples who are at risk to have children with certain structural birth defects that may be detected by diagnostic ultrasound
- Women who have had an abnormal maternal serum screen (alpha-fetoprotein +/- additional biochemical markers)
- Women with prenatal exposure to certain medications, recreational drugs or certain viruses
Washington University’s team of ultrasound and prenatal genetics testing specialists are board -certified physicians, sonographers and genetic counselors providing precise screenings and expert evaluations.
Schedule your prenatal genetic testing with a Washington University specialist today.

Amie P. Stanley, MS, CGC
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Ultrasound & Genetics
Barnes-Jewish Center for Outpatient Health
Missouri Baptist Medical Center – Building D