You can’t remember exactly when you started feeling sick, but you’ve been working with new chemicals at your job over the past several weeks, and wonder if they might be the cause of your symptoms that include headaches and fatigue. Your primary care doctor suspects this might be the case, but can’t confirm it.
Evan Schwarz, MD, co-director of the Washington University medical toxicology clinic says, “You are right to be concerned if you begin feeling ill after working with different chemicals at your current work site or after starting a new job that exposes you to chemicals. Seeking medical help should not be delayed.
Our multidisciplinary team of board-certified physicians works together as a resource for the patient. We offer evaluation and treatment to individuals suffering from chemical or toxic exposures, envenomations (snake bites), and adverse drug reactions.”
The clinic is able to provide the patient:
- Streamlined evaluation and treatment for chemical exposures
- Education about long-term consequences after chemical exposures
- Assessment of concerns involving occupations exposures
- Elimination of the source of symptoms (chemical or metals exposure)
- Follow-up care after envenomation (snake bite)
- Coordination of social work services
If you are worried you might be suffering from chemical or heavy metal exposure, please call 314-362-4362 for an appointment at the Washington University medical toxicology clinic.
Patients are seen at:
Barnes-Jewish Center for Outpatient Health
4901 Forest Park Ave., Suite 241