Amy Cyr, MD

Amy Cyr, MD

Endocrine & Oncologic Surgery

"Breast surgery allows me to address a patient’s acute health problems, and at the same time be there for her in the years to come. That’s what I really like."

Anne Cross, MD

Anne Cross, MD


"I feel as if I’ve grown up with many of my patients because they have been my patients since I started here in the early 1990s."

Arsham Sheybani, MD

Arsham Sheybani, MD

Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

"My main goal is to take the burden of the disease away from my patients."

Brad Warner, MD

Brad Warner, MD

Pediatric Surgery

"Whether in academics, private practice, research or administrative duties – I never let my patients down and always do the very best for them."

Brendan Eby, MD

Brendan Eby, MD


"The main focus of my specialty includes treatments for ischemic strokes through minimally invasive catheter-based procedures. Because ischemic stroke is a very prevalent disease and there are so many people who have strokes, it is important for them to have access to immediate treatment."

Cameron Wick, MD

Cameron Wick, MD


"I love helping patients understand why they have a hearing loss, what type of hearing loss it is, and what I can do to fix it."

Cassandra Pruitt, MD

Cassandra Pruitt, MD


"Our outpatient primary care practice has given me the ability to impact the lives of children with medical complexity -- and their parents -- in so many ways.  As a pediatrician, it’s the most rewarding thing I have done."

Charles Hannon, MD, MBA

Charles Hannon, MD, MBA


"The most enjoyable part of my practice is the opportunity to get to know my patients and determine what treatments will help them return to the activities they love and live the life they want to live."

Chris Malone, MD

Chris Malone, MD

Interventional Radiology

"I work with dermatologists, hematologists, geneticists, head and neck surgeons, and plastic surgeons. We come up with the best treatment plan for our patient."

Craig R. Smith, MD, MBA, FACS

Craig R. Smith, MD, MBA, FACS

Acute and Critical Care Surgery

"Knowing when not to operate is just as important as knowing when to operate. Often there is a fine line between operating too soon and operating too late."

Dan I. Lebovic, MD, MA

Dan I. Lebovic, MD, MA

Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Specialist

"Even after 25 years, I believe every positive pregnancy test is a huge victory and a miracle."

Dane Johnson, MD

Dane Johnson, MD

Urologic Surgery

"I saw how taking just a little extra time to fully listen to a patient’s story can set the foundation for a strong patient-physician personal relationship."

David Limbrick, MD, PhD

David Limbrick, MD, PhD

Pediatric Neurosurgery

"Neurosurgery is one of the fields where we can rapidly apply innovative technologies to clinical care."

Dayna Early, MD

Dayna Early, MD


"I enjoy getting to know patients, talking to them about their goals, and helping them achieve their goals."

Dean T. Odegard, MD

Dean T. Odegard, MD

Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates

"In pediatrics, we have a great opportunity to impact a child’s life by teaching them healthy habits early on... It’s a humbling responsibility."

Ellen Nicastro, MD

Ellen Nicastro, MD

Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates

"I think the achievement I find most gratifying is having former patients choose me to take care of their own children. Being a 'grand-pediatrician' is certainly validating and tells me I must be doing something right."

Emily Spataro, MD

Emily Spataro, MD


"I want my patients to know I am always accessible and want to provide the best care for them as an individual."

Eric Strand, MD

Eric Strand, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

"Women come to Washington University looking for medical answers and the best treatment. It is very appealing and rewarding to help them."

Gregory Branham, MD

Gregory Branham, MD

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

"I was hooked on the specialty of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery from the very beginning."

Holly Hoefgen, MD

Holly Hoefgen, MD

Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology

"I had fertility issues when I was working towards having children; that is another reason helping my patients means so much to me."

Ian Dorward, MD

Ian Dorward, MD

Neurological Surgery

"Every time I take care of a patient, that’s a chance to give my absolute best. To give anything less would be sacrificing the many gifts given to me."

Janet Scheel, MD

Janet Scheel, MD

Pediatric Cardiology

"The best part of my job is that I get to see my young patients as they grow up, go to college and live their lives. That is pretty cool."

Jeffrey Blatnik, MD

Jeffrey Blatnik, MD

Minimally Invasive Surgery

"It’s important to remember the days when your patients are appreciative and you are able to help them."

Jeffrey Nepple, MD

Jeffrey Nepple, MD

Orthopedic Surgery

"At the end of the day, being able to look yourself in the mirror and know you did your best to help your patients — that is how I try to evaluate myself."

Jennifer Horst, MD

Jennifer Horst, MD

Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates

"I find it rewarding to empathize with parents’ concerns, explain why I am or am not worried about their child, and provide guidance."

Jennifer Strahle, MD

Jennifer Strahle, MD

Pediatric Neurosurgery

"Pediatric neurosurgery gives me the opportunity to have a lasting impact on children for years to come."

John Chi, MD

John Chi, MD

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

"Each patient with facial weakness or paralysis has unique and distinct problems that require a treatment plan tailored to his or her concerns."

John Cole, MD, PhD

John Cole, MD, PhD


"It is important for families to find a pediatrician who takes the time to listen, reassure them, and help them learn about the issues that face their children."

John Kirby, MD

John Kirby, MD

Acute & Critical Care Surgery

"Every day I get to advance the art of science and have an impact on my patients. I can’t imagine doing anything else as satisfying as that."

Joshua Osbun, MD

Joshua Osbun, MD


"From the time I was 10 years old I wanted to be a neurosurgeon and never really veered from that path."

Justin Sacks, MD, MBA, FACS

Justin Sacks, MD, MBA, FACS

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

"The aspect of my practice that is most interesting is that every day I wake up, get to come to work, take on different challenges and solve new problems that sometimes we have never seen before. Or I get to figure out ways to improve on something I’ve done before, in order to do it better."

Kristine Williams, MD, MPH

Kristine Williams, MD, MPH

Pediatric Primary Care

"I enjoy the well-child checks and well-baby checks and seeing the progression as my patients grow."

Lauren Jones, DO

Lauren Jones, DO

Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates

"I love the special relationships I get to build in pediatrics – not only with my patients, but also with their parents."

Maggie Dwiggins, MD, MS

Maggie Dwiggins, MD, MS

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

"I always take time for internal reflection to see if a proposed plan is achievable by identifying barriers to success, even if it’s simply choosing the right birth control or period product."

Marie Batty, MD

Marie Batty, MD

Pediatrics, Washington University Clinical Associates

"I love the variety of pediatric patients. Obviously, seeing a baby is much different than seeing an adolescent. What is really important in pediatrics is the focus on preventative care and family counseling. I really love talking to families about how to keep kids healthy as they grow."