Do you find yourself on the outside of discussions during family get-togethers? Do you politely smile and nod when someone asks you a question because you’re not sure what was said?
If you can’t hear your spouse, friends, children, or grandchildren like you used to, you may be suffering from a hearing loss. Phone conversations may be more difficult; and it seems as if people are mumbling when they talk to you. You might hear ringing or other sounds in your ears.
It’s easy to talk yourself into accepting the increasing silence because the decrease in hearing can be gradual. With today’s hearing aid technology, there is no reason to be left out of the conversation.
Washington University adult audiologists are specialists in comprehensive hearing evaluation, no matter what may have caused your hearing loss.
Washington University director of adult audiology, Michael Valente, PhD, says “Whether your complaint is tinnitus (ear or head noises), misunderstood conversations or difficulty hearing in noisy environments or high-pitched speech, we can identify the type and degree of hearing loss and match a cost-effective hearing aid to your specific needs.”
The customized fitting protocol that is unique to each patient includes:Individualized hearing aid performance evaluation using ear canal probe microphones
Detailed instruction for device insertion/removal
Complimentary follow-up and hearing aid reprogramming during the warranty period (which varies from one to three years, depending upon the level of technology)
Thorough training for hearing aid care
Because our audiologists are not tied to one specific hearing aid manufacturer, there is no bias in device recommendation.
Comprehensive insurance coverage is available with the purchase of a hearing aid.
For more information, or to make an appointment with one of our audiologists, please call 314-362-7509.
Patients are seen at:
Center for Advanced Medicine – Ear, Nose and Throat Center
4921 Parkview Place, 11th floor, Suite A
Audiology Clinic at the CID Building
4560 Clayton Ave.
New West County location
Ear, Nose & Throat Center – West County
Medical Office Building 1, Suite 123